DEEP SPACE BLACKs are low reflectivity surface treatments for optical, laser and instrumentation applications.

Detailed Product Info Available in our DSB Product Bulletin:
- Description/Applications/Trade-offs
- History/Development/Evolution
- Specifications/Performance
- General Usage Guidelines
- Spacecraft Usage Guidelines
- n-Sci Services Available
DEEP SPACE BLACK™ is extremely absorptive over a wide range of wavelengths from ultraviolet (UV), throught the visible, and into the infrared (IR). The combination of surface absorptivity and mechanical stability of the material over this range provides its unparalleled performance.
DSB would typically be used in spectrometers, optical detector assemblies, detector baffle assemblies, microscopes, camera lens housings, calibration reference sources, medical instruments, telescopes, scanners, and on thermal control or radiator surfaces.
DEEP SPACE BLACK - VIS: DSB-VIS is optimized for performance in the visible wavelength regime.
DEEP SPACE BLACK - Full Spectrum Basic: DSB-FSB is optimized to provide best performance over the largest wavelength regime possible.
DEEP SPACE BLACK - Full Spectrum Enhanced: DSB-FSE is a special variant of DSB-FSB that has a more robust finish with the same outstanding optical characteristics of the FSB. This product is more suited to spacecraft applications, including those applications concerned with LEO environments.
- Reduce stray light and improve image quality in optical systems
- Detector calibration sources
- Thermal control and radiator surfaces
- Light pollution control
- Improved contrast and acuity for visuals / vision systems
- And more...
DEEP SKY BLACK - Full Spectrum Basic (DSB-FSB) has undergone Space Qualification Testing at Sandia National Laboratory.
As a rule of thumb for any part, optical or otherwise, it is good practice to give consideration to post fabrication processing in the early stages of the design. This early appreciation typically results in reduced overall cost for the part and the required tooling and packaging. N-Science is fully equipped to provide design guidance for your application.
It is sometimes not possible to take in all design implications early. N-Science process specialists have become quite expert in working with existing details and assemblies. Our process specialists have a wide range of knowledge on processes and materials and sources. Should a DSB surface not meet your need, our process specialist will make recommendations and provide guidance in directing you to the right process contact. Should there be no existing process and/or material available elsewhere, we would be happy to explore partnership options for development of a custom treatment.
- DSB works best on aluminum substrates.
- With the proper attention to tooling design and usage, DSB fits most any geometry or part profile.
- There is no theoretical limit to size of part treated. [However a practical limit exists in the size of the processing equipment used]
- There are physical handling considerations that must be addressed for assembly, tooling, and packaging design.
- DSB surfaces should not be contacted by foreign surfaces to assure best performance.
- N-Science has masking materials available allowing DSB to be applied to selective surface features! This extends the capability to utilize DSB in combination with other treatments (e.g., black anodize). A typical example of this approach is a lens barrel assembly with an interior wall treated to DSB standards and outside surfaces done in hard black anodize.
Many insects have segmented eyes. Several with many hundreds of segments. These segments are often separated by tufts of spines and fine short hair like protrusions which act as baffles in controlling stray light entering a particular eye segment.
Some species of fish have a distinct coloration in their eyes. It's not because they're tired. Some biologists believe these fish have the ability to pump extra blood to the eye to assist in control of stray light entering the ocular system.
N-Science is pleased to provide more current performance data and the latest properties information upon request. Please call us to discuss your specific application.
We invite you to talk with the process specialists, discuss, question, and comment on your application needs. We are here to help!
DSB Downloads & Samples
- Deep Space Black Product Bulletin
- Deep Space Black Space Qualification Report
- Deep Space Black Customer Questionnaire
Samples are available upon request